19 May 2012

My practical Tuaran DOA

Isi polybeg guna dgn pakaian formal.. bangang betul!

Tinggu tu pokok durian berkawin: bahagia

Menjual buah mangga chokanan di tuaran. wow

Buat tut buah ciku.. fantastic

Kasi pakai baju sama polybeg mangga cokanan

Sa di siring paling ujung baju ijau

Berdug dug di jiwa tunggu giliran bercakap depan beliau beliau

Masuk hutan di kg tuk ambil cantasan seedless lemon

         The goal setting making me have something to think of everyday, I have to learn to write well. In order to do that, I've browse lots of web about writing paper, and learn from it. There is never too late for someone to learn even though they are at the age of 50. Always sets something to achieve that makes you feels it's impossible to achieve but at the same time not giving up on it as it is very thrilling when the goal was successfully achieved. I believe I can do this even though it's so unrealistic. 

        What's fuel me up is that when I talk about it to people, they think it is unachieved as is there is a limit in my capabilities. So, this has make me really determine to achieved it and I just don't care for any other distracting situation than achieving my goal. In order to  achieve my goal, I have to plan how to do it, It's start from how to organized well and break this little goal to a lot of little task that allows the progression of the journey of reaching to my goal. 

The are several short term goal I want achieve:

1.Have score improved my grade ( target 3.5 gpa) 
2. goal weight 55 kg currently 65 kg in (3 month)
3. javelin throw distant, 55m ( currently targert for 45m)
4. Read 3 self enrichment book.
5. Sketch 3 picture

Having a plan is crucial in achieving goal.

'Thrive for success'

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