10 September 2024

Updating my Life in 2024

 Today i feel like writing, i Guess my hobby is to write. 

I Just Wanna pour my feeling Out into this blog. To be my digital dairy so that my kids can read all of their mothers heart and soul.

In 2024, on this Date 10 september 2024

Im pregnant again for 5th child. I did not plan to have this pregnant, God plan this for Me. So i Guess i have to deal with it and plan ahead.

So a little update after missing so Long from my blog,

In 2022, 2023 and 2024. 

This is us around februart 2024. She is so small and cute.
This is during our farewell party and TPS tenom

My mini. Johanna Kes, She manage her self well everytime
My best foto of the year. I have to depend on filter to look Beautiful
3 soul in one frame and Everyone is smiling. Momy love you Rowenna and Noah

Im still currently in the same pot, working. Im Just enjoying every single task im Here. Changing 3 Superior, first i lost my superior and in 2021 i lost my close aunt. 

Soon after i have to handle this section alone making Me so depress. Next move on i got a New bos.

In 2023, a New bos coming in, im happy im bargain off. After that, im giving birth my 4th child. Rowenna Rozay in 24 October 2023.

In 2024, i got pregnant again around Mei 2023. I Hope this is my last pregnancy and im survive during delivery. My second aunt leave us to heaven. 

After loosing so many Close relative and Close Friends. I feel death is so besar that you Don't know when you will died. So im reflecting death every now and then.

07 February 2021



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21 May 2020

Unduk ngadau/sugandoi keamatan, cultural entertaining show

Hope everyone still cool with the current situation pandemic and keep calm.

There is one saying goes, when rain is stop. The sun will shine and rainbow will be yours. So it  keep raining and we are anticipating the rainbow soon.
But, the situation won't burn down the spirit of kaamatan and unduk Ngadau fever. Everyone changing their profile picture with ethnic cloth, throwing back unduk Ngadau pictures/ handcraft. There is even some online competition for this kaamatan pageant/singing contest.

The question: Is kaamatan unduk Ngadau/sugandoi a cultural entertaining show or just merely a way to the remembrance of the paddy spirit while celebrating the victory of harvesting a good yield of crops. 

My personal thoughts about this is harvesting festival event are cultural entertaining show  whereby peoples are preparing for this to compete and celebrate but at the same time, people are embracing the culture of the ethnicity where they gathered in the hall and meet some relatives supporting their favourite contestant. It's pretty much both educational and entertaining show event.

Somehow, these event won't exceptional to the negativity around the corner. How we cope these negativity while building up our personalities by not responding with them.

18 May 2020

Goal reset for 2020

Hello everyone, hopes you all still stay safe and healthy from the any diseases.

We all step in 2020 like a champ, fighting the cv 19 which tried to hold us ( human race ) back in the year before. Who ever that planned this with all the conspiracy theories flooding in the air of the network, just don't forget that Jesus always love us all. Let's pray to Him and Mother Mary for mercy and healing of the world.

Somehow, with the MCO,  restricted movement and activities, take some time to reconstruct, reorganize and rearrange strategy and purpose of life, short term goal and long term goal.

For short term goals I may want to reflect more on self esteem, self empathy before I can spread the love to others. Besides, for earthy goal, I may want to do some minor home renovation and be self care before I can care for others especially  my family. This is because I have lack of self love and I did not appreciate all the things that I have and often diss  myself for being ugly and not good enough which leads to bad impression. Of course more prayer to remind myself every single breath was not mine but it was a gift and blessing from god.

For long term goal, I would like to educate and educate my child to be more self love and love god more then anything.  While for earthy goals, I would just put my self preparing my self to every possible  things that may changed in next ten years. Maybe planning an early retirement. Preparing to enjoy retire moment. Maybe I would choose to be more focus on self improvement everyday like learning new words, new knowledge, good communication skill, good interpersonal skill, and so forth, be less gadget person. At that time I would be 42 years old and my child would be 15 and 13 years teenagers. It would be tough but I got to be their best friend to every where I go. They must learn their local language Kadazan and Murut for sure..  While they are mastering their Hokkien first. So they will be a good multilingual intellectual kids at that time. Rare maybe..

That's all from me. Peace.

08 May 2020

Golden years: 1920-2020 and now 2040

Good evening you all,  since PKP is at the end of its phase, I feel this is gonna be my last blog for the period of time. As PKPB is on,  I'm started going to work and my time will dedicated more on daily basis.

Thanks to this bounty of free time and opportunities (PKP)  staying at Home activities leaved me a peaceful of mind at night and chaos of motherhood at morning til they going to bed.

So I have been spending my great time on reminiscing about past life,  present life and future life.  When I remembered what had happen in the pass, what I really mean Was when my grandmothers and grandfathers still with us. It was so real but yet it's just like they becoming my dream when they had passed away. Passed means your time in the world is up and passed, away means you are no longer here with your families. It's so sad because that relationship becoming dream.

Then when it's come to present, I see my two children with me,  and I'm breath in and out ever day by night, they grow bigger and not a baby anymore, they was so small yesterday and that labour pain can't be forgotten ever.  I feel like every day we are just "Travel" the time, and grow old and finally lastly died. We should remind ourself every night about death,  and woke up in the morning, reflect on the same thing.  Please be fearful to god father but don't be fearless with the world because it's ain't guard you soul, save your soul, not your world. This world is not ours, and we should be borrowing it and take care of it because this world is going to become others people's world and time traveling space.

 In the journey, we may choose to be lonely, solitude, or busy with life of motherhood and family and this world is just a journey. All this continuum time and space involved a lot of things in this world makes this simple world becoming so complex.

For the time being,  we Could be holy man we could be sinner or ommiter and right after we ended our time travelling in this world we will continue our journey up there and prepared to be judged on the day we our soul departed going back to our Father the Holy Spirit, and get rinse our soul in purgatory with fire and be lifted into the heaven. I feel this is no joke, we shouldn't take it for granted but just pray as hard as possible to get Jesus Christ attention and just pray harder than ever.

This body is just a vessel of our souls, our souls is traveling thru time,  and we remember what happen yesterday everything is so unreal. And when I died I just wish I could be reunite with all my grandparents and I want to see them again,  and all the love one that I have lost.

P/S: I'm not a perfect christian but it's a journey and fight for me to be one. Let's use our souls control with our mind and look at the world at 2040, where are we now?  Are we still here?  What kind of world is that year? What kind of human activities that will going to be famous or viral at that time?  Are we going to less sociable? Unable to be communicated well, as we had replace gadget to daily basis social needs. Are we going To be mostly fat and obese? Because we are trained  to stayed at home and stick to gadget.  Are we still fear of a new pandemic/ bio attack? All was so unsure. But one thing I'm really sure is we should have prepared so well to be departed from this world.

05 May 2020

How make sambal tomato, the lazy version.

Good night everyone, and hope you all are still enjoying the kaamatan festival with some bir ,tumpung, and some other local rice wine with some local side dish maybe sup Bakas, tuhau seruding,  hinava,  or just mere barbeque.

Even though the government had announce 1 month and a few weeks ago that no celebration for state level but we all still can be gratitude to god and embrace the spirit of huminodun in another great way,  maybe planting some Greens or fruit at the backyard just to make the world greener and happier. It's a therapy to depression or stress too.

So,  today I'm going to tell my lazy version of sambal tomato and I think it's super easy to make and it's a vegetarian version. Later on you all can tweak this recipe suit to meat eater.

The ingredients 
1. Tomato - 4 biji
2. Garlic- 9 biji 
3. Onion - 2 biji 
4. 1 pek of chili paste
5. 2 tea spoon of cukup rasa
6. 3 spoon or oil

1. Slice all the ingredients (tomato, garlic,  onion)
2. Heat the wok, pour in the oil.  When the oil is heated, pour in the chili paste, just use any brand of it.
3. Put in all the garlic and onion and fry it.
4. Lastly the tomato unblend in chunk put in the wok and stir until it is all gone becoming paste. 
5. Lastly put in the cukup rasa and you are done.

I just love this and I can finish 2 plate of rice with this sambal. haha.
The type of tomato that I use 

Sambal tomato (lazy version) is done 

04 May 2020

Financial advice

Hello there good day everyone,

For your information we all are involve with finance and we all have to learn how to manage it well. In this context, we have to manage daily expenses, debt, savings,  life security, mortgages, asettes or maybe all the little things that you considering to buy. Just avoid the wasting of resources and going to be ended up declutter because it is not usd

But I just don't really mind when it comes o travelling on vacation in Asian country. Because I deserve to enjoy my hard earned money as reward. After all it was fine for me. I think the world gonna takes time to revert the situation and heal the tourism industry. So no vacation for now.

For me personally, I really love to explore this part of knowledge because I have to managed it so well with my limited resources, I have to make sure it is enough for me to keep the food and shelter on top of my head there.  I read books about it, read from the net, social media. I would even keep track my expenses just to watch out its limit. My inspiration "Be frugal, but not stingy."

I can't lied about making a lot of big mistakes in managing the resources, making wrong decision to own something less important, or even decide on the wrong investment I guess. Big time loser for this investment and costing me loss 10 years time to payback the debt. But I'm gonna remanage all the debt and apply these techniques which was called the cloth in the basket, to clear these bad debt as fast as possible.

And most importantly, the law of finance even though contended with pressure and responsible, one must at least manage to have saving 3-6 months ahead of the salary. Well thanks so much to these blessing in disguise viruses. We lucky to have the moratorium for six month  and we can prepare our emergency saving more than enough to get us ready to fight through the economy crisis very soon. 

Read more,  share more,  don't forget to donate with gratitude and sincerity. What goes around comes around, do good deeds more and less controversy. Because we can do good with the money we have but we can't have the money when we leave the world. Don't miss the chance to do so. And tips for you guys, If you don't know how to donate Confidently just find some charity society to donate such as NGO with their very own purpose. Donate in the boost apps  or donate to the reliable sources such as bank website  where they advertise for donation to help war victim from Syria, Gaza and Palestine. But be sure, do not let others know what good deed you have done.

Till next time see you soon.  

Ps: Thanks to MCO I have plenty of free time to get my writing skills sharpen. Haha. I'm not excellent writer but I just love to write 
#spreadthelove #healtheworld #stayathome