04 May 2020

Financial advice

Hello there good day everyone,

For your information we all are involve with finance and we all have to learn how to manage it well. In this context, we have to manage daily expenses, debt, savings,  life security, mortgages, asettes or maybe all the little things that you considering to buy. Just avoid the wasting of resources and going to be ended up declutter because it is not usd

But I just don't really mind when it comes o travelling on vacation in Asian country. Because I deserve to enjoy my hard earned money as reward. After all it was fine for me. I think the world gonna takes time to revert the situation and heal the tourism industry. So no vacation for now.

For me personally, I really love to explore this part of knowledge because I have to managed it so well with my limited resources, I have to make sure it is enough for me to keep the food and shelter on top of my head there.  I read books about it, read from the net, social media. I would even keep track my expenses just to watch out its limit. My inspiration "Be frugal, but not stingy."

I can't lied about making a lot of big mistakes in managing the resources, making wrong decision to own something less important, or even decide on the wrong investment I guess. Big time loser for this investment and costing me loss 10 years time to payback the debt. But I'm gonna remanage all the debt and apply these techniques which was called the cloth in the basket, to clear these bad debt as fast as possible.

And most importantly, the law of finance even though contended with pressure and responsible, one must at least manage to have saving 3-6 months ahead of the salary. Well thanks so much to these blessing in disguise viruses. We lucky to have the moratorium for six month  and we can prepare our emergency saving more than enough to get us ready to fight through the economy crisis very soon. 

Read more,  share more,  don't forget to donate with gratitude and sincerity. What goes around comes around, do good deeds more and less controversy. Because we can do good with the money we have but we can't have the money when we leave the world. Don't miss the chance to do so. And tips for you guys, If you don't know how to donate Confidently just find some charity society to donate such as NGO with their very own purpose. Donate in the boost apps  or donate to the reliable sources such as bank website  where they advertise for donation to help war victim from Syria, Gaza and Palestine. But be sure, do not let others know what good deed you have done.

Till next time see you soon.  

Ps: Thanks to MCO I have plenty of free time to get my writing skills sharpen. Haha. I'm not excellent writer but I just love to write 
#spreadthelove #healtheworld #stayathome 

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