18 May 2020

Goal reset for 2020

Hello everyone, hopes you all still stay safe and healthy from the any diseases.

We all step in 2020 like a champ, fighting the cv 19 which tried to hold us ( human race ) back in the year before. Who ever that planned this with all the conspiracy theories flooding in the air of the network, just don't forget that Jesus always love us all. Let's pray to Him and Mother Mary for mercy and healing of the world.

Somehow, with the MCO,  restricted movement and activities, take some time to reconstruct, reorganize and rearrange strategy and purpose of life, short term goal and long term goal.

For short term goals I may want to reflect more on self esteem, self empathy before I can spread the love to others. Besides, for earthy goal, I may want to do some minor home renovation and be self care before I can care for others especially  my family. This is because I have lack of self love and I did not appreciate all the things that I have and often diss  myself for being ugly and not good enough which leads to bad impression. Of course more prayer to remind myself every single breath was not mine but it was a gift and blessing from god.

For long term goal, I would like to educate and educate my child to be more self love and love god more then anything.  While for earthy goals, I would just put my self preparing my self to every possible  things that may changed in next ten years. Maybe planning an early retirement. Preparing to enjoy retire moment. Maybe I would choose to be more focus on self improvement everyday like learning new words, new knowledge, good communication skill, good interpersonal skill, and so forth, be less gadget person. At that time I would be 42 years old and my child would be 15 and 13 years teenagers. It would be tough but I got to be their best friend to every where I go. They must learn their local language Kadazan and Murut for sure..  While they are mastering their Hokkien first. So they will be a good multilingual intellectual kids at that time. Rare maybe..

That's all from me. Peace.

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