To the left X2
Out of mind
Unlocking innerself
Big rossy
I was once a girl who have this low self esteem and did not care about anything about my appearance. I'm just rarely groom myself well as i just be reckless when it comes to my appearance. This is because I was growing up listening to people telling me I'm the ugly duckling. They said I just too thin, so on and so forth. but now I'm weight 64 Kg. a little bulky and I'm just wanted to drop my weight to 55 KG in 3 months, I just have to start telling myself and just be a nice person, do good things to people, don't scold people easily, doing my job well, be a nice girl, and concentrate on my study, and doing my homework, be punctual and exercise regularly and doing everthing that is good. I just want to be good me. Besides keeping my hygiene in high level, I will just do anything that may help others.
Timbang menggaris
Gema akustik with brotha
In my eating habit,I will eliminate completely meat and fishes as well as cream cracker, and my favourite food, junk food.. I will just take carb, yogurt, vegetable, less rice, lots of water, less sugar, oatmeal, green tea so on and so forth. Besides that, in my training programme, every session, I will include 2.4 km running in the record time, so far, my best time is 13 minute plus, I want to improve my time up to 12 minute plus. I will do cycling started tomorrow, I will start at before 6 AM and I will sleep early. Besides that, I will cycling my way up through to the Beaufort, of course I will not tell anyone. I'm aiming to reach here before 8 am. so it's a long journey but I will just do my best. In addition.
I will do some weight training after I reach home and some abdomen exercise and study some of the Javelin technique just to remind my self about the technique. In the nutshell, I will do anything just to shade off those kilos, 9 kilos to shade off, meaning to say, I will have to drop down 3 kg in one month, It's gonna be easier if i'm not influence by anyone, besides that, I will keep myself in my own pace and do anything that I think I want to do. It's necessary. So, I will not eat bread or rice. My source of carbohydrate is oatmeal and cereal only. But not forget about my fruit, vegetable, water, and so on.

This is the type of body I have wanted for, 55kg, wait for me, i'm coming for you baby. Well in order to have it maintain, just everything I need. On the other hand, I will spend most of my time with library, study and so on before I go for the exercise session. Good bye cafe Kg E, I'm not going to eat your food again, and cafe library as well. I swear to god, I will never ever eat those fattening food anymore.