10 September 2024

Updating my Life in 2024

 Today i feel like writing, i Guess my hobby is to write. 

I Just Wanna pour my feeling Out into this blog. To be my digital dairy so that my kids can read all of their mothers heart and soul.

In 2024, on this Date 10 september 2024

Im pregnant again for 5th child. I did not plan to have this pregnant, God plan this for Me. So i Guess i have to deal with it and plan ahead.

So a little update after missing so Long from my blog,

In 2022, 2023 and 2024. 

This is us around februart 2024. She is so small and cute.
This is during our farewell party and TPS tenom

My mini. Johanna Kes, She manage her self well everytime
My best foto of the year. I have to depend on filter to look Beautiful
3 soul in one frame and Everyone is smiling. Momy love you Rowenna and Noah

Im still currently in the same pot, working. Im Just enjoying every single task im Here. Changing 3 Superior, first i lost my superior and in 2021 i lost my close aunt. 

Soon after i have to handle this section alone making Me so depress. Next move on i got a New bos.

In 2023, a New bos coming in, im happy im bargain off. After that, im giving birth my 4th child. Rowenna Rozay in 24 October 2023.

In 2024, i got pregnant again around Mei 2023. I Hope this is my last pregnancy and im survive during delivery. My second aunt leave us to heaven. 

After loosing so many Close relative and Close Friends. I feel death is so besar that you Don't know when you will died. So im reflecting death every now and then.