29 January 2015


Its been a while that i left this blog to dust and did not updating any life story.. In this new year of 2015, I step into this new year with a husband and a new comer into my life.. I am soon gonna have a baby girl. Three of us had a new year blast at mu husband hometown tenom. We are struggling in the beginning of our marriage in term of having a stable income to pay all the expenses and debt. Somehow, things happen as i was expected since the beginning of my live together with my husband. Both of us had made search a nice job at my  workplace but it seems everyhing is as expected.. 

Before i step into marriage, i had a  family..( i dont know why am writing this with a cold tears coming out From my eyes).

Update 2020: Well forget about it and just forgive. Be like god, think like god and only angry what makes god angry.

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